Thursday 12 March 2020

Kupe a Cook Early NZ Exploration

Kupe and Cook are 2 important explorers in New Zealand's history.

When: Kupe had found Aotearoa around the 11 hundreds (1100s).
Why: Kupe’s voyage to Aotearoa was triggered by the lack of sea life near his village.
How: Kupe came to the land by a poti, naming the land Aotearoa in Maori meaning; Land of the long white cloud.

When:He came down to New Zealand in 1769 ( 6th of October )
Why:Captain Cook's voyage to New Zealand in search for the Unknown Southern Island.
How:He discovered New Zealand on the Endeavour, which was a boat.

Kupe is important because he was the first documented person in NZ.
Cook is important because he mapped NZ and opened it up to the world to access.

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