Monday, 16 August 2021

hauroa infograhic

 LI: To create a infographics that explains Hauro as an athlete

Hauro is the Maori belif of mental and physical well being. This infographic explains tha Hauroa means and what the four walls are through the eyes of an olympic athlete. What if all four walls of an athlete were not supported and are not standing or what if all walls of the athlete were standing how would this affect the athlete. If all walls were standing then the olympic athlete knows how to win and lose and is able to learn from loses and also celebrate victories having this information as an athlete will help them mentaly and also physicaly. 

I enjoyed this activity becuase it made us think from the athletes perspective and think about how they would feel.

Monday, 9 August 2021

Hauora and Olympians


Athletes train in both areas, mentally and physically. This is because  both areas need to be stable and balanced. An athlete should have all walls of the Whare Tapa Wha standing, meaning that they are motivated, confident and have self belief. Without these walls standing, or even if one wall falls, athletes will lose their motivation, feel insecure and have low self esteem. As an athlete, being successful is a huge accomplishment. With being an athlete, they need to accept and embrace the unsuccessful times. If an athlete is unsuccessful, they continue to train and are grateful for the opportunity of representing their country. The support of friends and family pushes athletes to become the best they can and lead them to victory.

Peyton & Farzana

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Matariki Stars

LI: To strengthen our connections to Matariki.

This DLO was desgined , to understand the Matariki Stars celebration that's going on this week , Our group created this DLO and compltedted it by working collabortivtely , understanding what,why,who and the matariki stars. We also started being creative and drawing our own stars. By creating this DLO we used our searching skills and looked through websites to find facts and information about the Matariki stars. Matariki takes place eahc year when the cluster of the stars knowen as Matariki. The new year is a time of new beginingins and is a time to embrace the trandtions. 

Tuesday, 29 June 2021


LI: To edit our writing using DRAFT.
This week continued writing our abstract noun poem about Bravery. We included descriptive words and used  the 5 senses which are: See, smell, feel/touch,and taste.When we finished our poem we used DRAFT to check our work, this means delete, rearrange, add, fix and talk. DRAFT is looking closely at your work and making any changes to improve it.

We used word hippo to look for more powerful words to use.

Thursday, 24 June 2021


LI: To understand what a metaphor is and how we use them in writing. 
For our writing task this week we are working on poems and metaphors. Our metaphor poem was about sadness. A metaphor is describing something as something else without using “like” or “as.” We worked on this task as a group. After coming up with our poem we create a DLO.
This task was fun because we learned how much creativity we have.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

ML Forming an Opinion

LI: To consider both perspectives  

We are learning about the Taonga of Storytelling, the story that we learnt about was about Maori legend about the mountains. For this task we worked together to decide/negotiate whether or not we think that it had happened using evidence to help support our opinion. We used our smart searching skills to help us find evidence that it happened or didn't happen. We then negotiated whether or not we though if this actually happened and then said why we thought what we thought. 

I really enjoyed looking at how the other perspectives have different ways of thinking.

Main Ideas

 LI: To identify main ideas in the text.

Our group watched the video about the story of Rona and the moon and how the moon took rona away. Today we wrote about Rona and the moon it told us about how Rona was lazy and bossy and made her husband do everything for her. For this activity we wrote down the main ideas starting off with the important ideas than after that we then used our negotiation skills to pick out four very important ideas making sure that we all agree that they are very important ideas then after that we then pick out three vital ideas again making sure that we all agree that they are vital ideas.

I really enjoyed this activity because it strengthened our ability to negotiate with others.

Venn Diagram

 LI: To find the differences and similarities within the different stories.

We watched a video about the maori creation story and we also read a text that was also about the maori creation story, when comparing them together there were some noticeable differences. Our task was to write down the differents and the similarities of the video version and the written version. Our group enjoyed doing this because it helped us know the difference between the two different  

I enjoyed this task to because I found it easy to find the differences and the similarities.


LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about.

For inquiry we are learning about Taonga of storytelling or the treasure of storytelling cultural stories that have been passed down through our ancestors.We learnt about the maori creation story and we also  summarised the story.We used this summarizing template to summarize the video that we watched of the maori creation story.The video told us about the story of papatuanuku and ranginui in the darkness and how they separated and how their son Tawhirimatea sent mighty storms and rain to show his rage. 

I really enjoyed this activity because I found it fun to learn about other cultures stories.

Thursday, 10 June 2021


 LI: to understand the behavior we should present in school and to juniors.

Today for PB4L we learn the behavior we should present in school and to juniors. This can come into wet day monitors and how we should treat the children. This can also come down to respecting our teachers and respecting our learning expection. For todays session we used a roleplay to explain discussion and wet day monitor examples. We enjoyed this because...

Current Events

 LI:To find the important information in a current event
This week for Reading we learnt about author's purpose. Authors write for a purpose/reason. These reasons are to Persuade, Inform, Explain or Entertain (PIE).
First we looked at Kiwi Kids News to find a article. Then, we made a copy of the Current Events DLO
 and answered these questions:
  • What is the article about?

  • When the article was created?

  • Where was the article was made?

  • Why the author wrote the article?

  • How it was made?

  • Why do you think the author wanted you to learn from the article?

I found this activity geat because it is good to know what happen on yesterday.

Saturday, 5 June 2021

My Project

This a wooden mannequin.
I am going to make this into a class statue.
I am going with water elf for this project.I did this because I think my class can have a little guardian.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

how to stand up to bullies

LI: To stop with the bullying.
 I found this task a bit easy because I know some information about bullying and drawed it on a poster. I made a poster about what to do and not to do when you are bullied.

My Reading Pathway

 LI: To show my personal journey through books

This week is book week at Panmure Bridge School, which means every class participates in a number of reading activities. One of our activities was to create a reading pathway that shows how my favourite books have changed over time. At the moment I like reading the quest for the diamond sword and the rise of Herobrine because it sound great.

Monday, 17 May 2021

ASB getwise

Today we larning how to spend money wisely. Marlon from the ASB Bank was here to talk to us about how we can wise when we have money in our hands.Marlon told us that we were going to play a game. Thi sgame was about how we can be wiser with our money. To play this game we had to get into groups of 4 and 5, after that we were given $1800 dollars to play our game with. This game was about us going on a trip to fiji and being wise with our money and if we can get the most fun point during this game. When we were playing this game we had to think about our passports,accomodation,Travel insurance,Activitys and food. I found this game very intresting because I know what to save or what to spend on.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Tidy our Drive

today, we tidyed our drive.i eongyed the activty because i did the puzzles. 

Thursday, 18 March 2021


LI:today we were writng about the acceptable uniform.

Today for PB4L my group has wrote the acceptable uniform. First, we looked at what we should wear and not wear in our school uniform. Next we looked at what accessories we accept at school like religious items like necklaces, or anklets, and more. Then we looked at the formal situation that showed what we should only wear and not wear in assembly, prize giving, Manaiakalani Film Festival, etc. Lastly we created of an image for the girls uniform, and what girls should wear. 

Monday, 8 March 2021

Ko wai ahau?

 Kia ora

My name is Peyton and I am 11 years old. I live in Otahuhu and I have one younger brother. I enjoy making things with lego and following the instructions to make the creations. I like listening to music from my playlist. This year my goal is to be kind and work hard.

Wednesday, 24 February 2021

TEEL Paragraphs

LI: To use powerful words and transitional vocabulary to make our writing more interesting

 This week we have been learning to use transitional vocabulary to help us link ideas between the sentences in our paragraph. The transitional words are like the doors we walk through and to show how this works in writing we have highlighted them. I enjoyed this activity because we got to try using new words in our writing and we worked collaboratively so we got to share our ideas.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Know your keyboard

LI: be cybersmart and use our devies to learn ,create and share.

We did the Maniakalani Cybersmart challenges  and this is activity 1. Our task was to make 3 DLO's on how to use your Chromebook. The first DLO was about what to do when you're using your chromebook, when using your Chromebook you can't have food or drinks near your chromebook, If you are charging your Chromebook while using it you must work near a wall so that no cables are on the floor where people might be walking and more on the DLO's.

I really liked doing the challenges and found it interesting because I learnt some new ways of thinking about being cybersmart.

Friday, 12 February 2021


This week for writing LS2 worked in groups of 5 - 6 people to find the definition of leadership. First we brainstormed all the examples linked to leadership onto a piece of paper. Second we used that brainstorm to give us a basic idea of what leadership is. Then we wrote down all the important words linked to leadership, we then used those words to create a summary. After that we created a DLO about our summary and the process of making it.


 LI: to understand why staying hydrated is important for our health and our learning.

As you may know, our bodies are mostly made up of water. Drinking water regularly makes you hydrated and full of energy, but the opposite is being dehydrated. Being dehydrated is when your body isn’t getting enough water that it needs. This causes tiredness, lack of energy, dry lips, and dark colored urine. 

In groups of 2-4 we created a DLO explaining why being hydrated is good for both health and learning. In my group was ****add names. After reading this DLO I hope you have a good understanding on why is it very important to keep hydrated by drinking water.

Thursday, 11 February 2021

Stastistical Investagation

 LI: to plan and carry out a statsistical investagtion 


Today I worked with Peyton and we worked in pairs to investigate what LS2's favourite colour was and we predict only little amount of people would chose blue because a lot of people would start to say a different colour. Something I found interesting that we got to experience what people liked and what they did not liked

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Summary treaty of waitangi

 LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about.

The  Treaty of Waitangi started when the british first arrived to New Zealand and the background behind Treaty of Waitangi was the Maori Chief was trying to get the treaty signed from the Maori chiefs 

Something we found interesting was the New Zealand war between the Maori and Pakeha

Tuesday, 12 January 2021


me and my famliy want to granny and grandad house for the hoildays.
And we go to the bugs musnm and we see some lab things and machines.