Wednesday, 18 December 2019


imagine the three superpower.


  1. Hi Peyton, this is Mrs Collins from Manaiakalani and I'll be commenting on blogs over term break. Well done on posting and participating in the SLJ this year. I really like the narrative you shared about choosing your super powers... sometimes being a hero can be fun too, I'm glad you enjoyed the task! What would your superhero name be? Keep blogging, and commenting on others, to increase your chance of winning one of the awesome prizes and to keep up your learning over the school break!

  2. Hi Peyton,

    Well done on completing your task. Its nice to see you being active on the Summer Learning Journey Programme. I really liked the powers you picked. Your animation on how you were going to use your powers was amazing. If you were a superhero what your your superhero name be?

    Otherwise great job!

  3. Hi Peyton!
    Great job on this little animation. I like how you created an animation of the 3 powers you would have. WHat is your favourite power?
    Blog you later!
    ~ Florence


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