Monday, 16 August 2021

hauroa infograhic

 LI: To create a infographics that explains Hauro as an athlete

Hauro is the Maori belif of mental and physical well being. This infographic explains tha Hauroa means and what the four walls are through the eyes of an olympic athlete. What if all four walls of an athlete were not supported and are not standing or what if all walls of the athlete were standing how would this affect the athlete. If all walls were standing then the olympic athlete knows how to win and lose and is able to learn from loses and also celebrate victories having this information as an athlete will help them mentaly and also physicaly. 

I enjoyed this activity becuase it made us think from the athletes perspective and think about how they would feel.

Monday, 9 August 2021

Hauora and Olympians


Athletes train in both areas, mentally and physically. This is because  both areas need to be stable and balanced. An athlete should have all walls of the Whare Tapa Wha standing, meaning that they are motivated, confident and have self belief. Without these walls standing, or even if one wall falls, athletes will lose their motivation, feel insecure and have low self esteem. As an athlete, being successful is a huge accomplishment. With being an athlete, they need to accept and embrace the unsuccessful times. If an athlete is unsuccessful, they continue to train and are grateful for the opportunity of representing their country. The support of friends and family pushes athletes to become the best they can and lead them to victory.

Peyton & Farzana